Youth Employability Network believes that financial literacy can contribute in economic empowerment of the marginalized communities. Most of the Pakistani population does not have knowledge about any financial services and Financial Decisions for their economic uplifting. To literate the marginalized communities especially focused on women, transgenders, youth, religious minorities and person with disabilities, youth employability Network (YEN) has implemented the following project on financial literacy and financial inclusion of the marginalized communities in Pakistan.
National Financial Literacy Program with State Bank of Pakistan, YEN has conducted 1921 training sessions with MSMEs and local population in 10 districts on different topics (budgeting, saving, starting a small business, investments, assess to financial institutions and loaning procedures). YEN has engaged 49611 women & 12603 menin these training program. The project was started in January 2020 and completed in June 2022. YEN has facilitated 59182 (95.13% of the project benefeciesires) people for opening of their accounts for their access to the financial institutions under this project
Youth Employability Network has completed DigiEDT project for Care International in Pakistan. Youth Employability Network has conducted 40 training sessions on business management skills and digitalization of a business. The project was implemented in five districts Multan, Gujranwala, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad & Karachi. The project has facilitated more than 800 women for their digital accounts and linkage with the micro finance financial institutions.
Youth Employability Network has successfully completed the Ignite Financial Inclusion Project for Care international in Pakistan. YEN has conducted 16 training for the micro, small and medium entrepreneurs under this project on the topic of enterprise development and digitalization of business. YEN has engaged 484 MSMEs in this project. The engaged MSMEs have been linked with the financial institutions, micro finance banks and other micro finance institutions for their economic uplifting.
YEN has implemented National Financial Literacy Program (NFLP) in Punjab Pakistan with the collaboration with SBP BSC (Bank) Multan and financial support of Asian Development Bank (ADB) under this project YEN has completed 214 trainings on financial literacy for marginalized women groups and male community on the topics of budgeting, saving, starting a small business, investments, assess to financial institutions and loaning procedures. YEN has also done community theaters for awareness raising of the local communities. YEN has engaged 6048 people (72% females and 28% males) in this project. YEN has facilitated 91.2% project beneficiaries for opening of their bank accounts for their financial inclusion & access to financial institutions for their economic empowerment.
YEN has completed youth skill building and empowerment project with CEC. YEN has completed Skill building trainings for 75 youth with Creating Economic Change (CEC) on skill building on free-lancing & E-commerce, Beautician trade and stitching & embroidery. YEN has also delivered skill-based business training for the project beneficiaries. YEN has also linked them with the financial institutions and low-cost financial facilitation by the government under different schemes.
Youth Employability Network has successfully completed National Financial Literacy Program implemented in Bahawalpur Region Punjab Pakistan. Training on financial literacy for marginalized women and men on the topics of budgeting, saving, starting a smallbusiness, investments, assess to financial institutions and loaning procedures.Linkages among the women entrepreneurs and others with market networks and financial institutions. The project is funded by State Bank of Pakistan Banking Service Corporation Bahawalpur (SBP BSC (Bank) Bahawalpur) & Asian Development Bank (ADB). YEN has delivered 319 training sessions on financial literacy in Bahawalpur region and engaged 13646 people (71.9% Females & 28.1% males)
Youth Employability Network has conduct 10 training on financial opportunities for women entrepreneurs and SMEs in Punjab. 285 entrepreneurs have been participated in these trainings, under these trainings the women entrepreneurs and SMEs have been guided about the available financial opportunities under different government schemes and financial institutions, they have guided about the process of application, eligibility criteria understanding and documentation for these opportunities.
Youth Employability Network has completed national financial literacy program-II with State bank of Pakistan Banking services Corporation Multan (SBP BSC Multan). YEN has delivered 20 training sessions to 540 people from 10 different districts of project intervention and also conducted 34 community theaters for awareness raising on financial literacy among the local communities in 10 districts of Punjab under SBP BSC Multan region.
Youth Employability Network has completed national financial literacy program-II with State bank of Pakistan Banking services Corporation Bahawalpur (SBP BSC Bahawalpur). YEN has delivered 14 training sessions to 412 people from 03 different districts of project intervention and also conducted 20 community theaters for awareness raising on financial literacy among the local communities in 03 districts of Punjab under SBP BSC Bahawalpur region.
Youth Employability Network has worked with the commercial banks (The Bank of Punjab (BOP)/Allied Bank Ltd (ABL)/United Bank Ltd (UBL)/Bank Alfalah Private Ltd (BAFL)/Albarka Bank Pvt Ltd (ABPL)/Habib Metro Bank Ltd (HMBL)/ Faysal Bank Ltd (FBL)/Soneri Bank Ltd (SBL)/JS Bank Ltd (JSBL)/Meezan Bank Ltd (MBL) for financial literacy and financial inclusion trainings of the local population. YEN has delivered 112 training sessions and 79 community theaters in 38 different districts of Pakistan. YEN has engaged more than 10926 people (64% females and 36% Males) in this project.
Youth Employability Network is a social enterprise working for the resilient livelihood of youth and marginalized communities in Pakistan. Youth Employability Network... Read More
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